hog + svm a lot of false negative
I download dataset from https://gdo152.llnl.gov/cowc/ (15 cm per pixel) and right now have: 6 700 positive tiles (with vehicle) and 7 000 negative (other object&nature) each 120x120 pixel. Then I training HOG + linear SVM, test on learning data with this result:
True Positives: 6409
True Negatives: 6393
False Positives: 607
False Negatives: 309
and when I test my descriptor on Selwyn aerial, I have a lot of false positive and negative alarm (red circle)
how to make result better:
-it is possible to make samples less?
-apply filters?
-Change the ratio of positive and negative images in the training sample?
I will be happy with the advice.
Thank you!
link to dataset looks broken above
also: hog descriptors are not pose / rotation invariant.
(bad choice for your task. humans are usually "upright", that's why it works there)
what algorithm would you advise? is there any point in writing a rotation invariant modification (seen in the network description)?
"seen in the network description" ?? hmm, where ?
did you see the paper linked in the dataset page ? it mentions several cnn architectures to try.
oh, i didn't know FourierHOG before ! maybe that's another idea. (but good luck, porting matlab code)