How to calculate approx. number of pixels between two points in an image?
I want to calculate numbers of pixels between the midpoints of two lines.
I want to calculate numbers of pixels between the midpoints of two lines.
Hi - well this should be very easy: Just get the x,y coodinates of the mindpoints and compute the diff. ie top mid (x1,y1) and bottom mid (x2,y2) -> ydiff: y2-y1; xdiff: x2-x1
In General If you want to compute the distance between two point you can use the euclidenean distance function. If you want to know what is the vector (in wich directions you must go to reach from start to end, representing the diff in pixels) just substract component wise(as done above)
Asked: 2018-09-23 07:33:14 -0600
Seen: 2,025 times
Last updated: Sep 23 '18
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