Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000 @clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR
Hello, I am trying to convert images between DirectX and OpenCV, sadly I cant create an OpenCL context. I tryd debugging the code and found out calling "clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR" gives me an access violation. I was looking at the assembly code of the executed code and saw the following: The assembly code is the function (clGetDeviceIDsFromD3D11KHR) on the left. It tries to call a [r10 + 0x368] at the end. From looking at the memory of the function table, I do not have a function at this address in my nvopencl.dll I have a 1080Ti with latest drivers and was trying to get it to work for 2 days now. Im almost giving up.
Hopefully somebody can help me
Kind regards, Sen66
i removed your screenshots, they're entirely useless here (can't be indexed / quoted)
please edit your question again, and fill the resp. parts with a text version. thank you !
done, I hope you meant a hyperlink with "text" version and not explaining what the pictures meant to show.
no, TEXT, not IMAGES of it.
Alright, I removed the images. I thought they would best explain whats happening on my end as I do not really know what details one would need to help me fix my problem.
just capture the console output AS TEXT and insert it, where appropriate, please.
/and apologies, for being somewhat hard on you. you'll understand why it is so, once you try to search similar questions (and ppl might want tosearch yours)
I do not have ANY console output, I call cv::directx::ocl::initializeContextFromD3D11Device(m_pD3D11Dev); and it throws an "Access violation executing location 0x0000000000000000 within the function"
ok, let's just roll it back.. but please:
put your images here, not on shitty,4chan infested, please ,at least that !
Sorry for the offsite image, I uploaded it here now.
yea cool. sorry for making so much noise about it ...
@Sen66 -- Why are you using OpenCL?