Where can i get trained haarcascade XML file to count human heads?
I searched for the haarcascade XML file for head detection in 'C:\openCV\sources\data\haarcascades_cuda' , but i can't see such files there..Please help me to find the same.
here ?
@Samjith888 are you aware, that there might be no such thing ?
detecting human faces frontal does work. there's also a profile cascae for side views. but detecting human heads "from their back" is stilll science-fiction.
@berak : I didn't meant to detect human heads from their back side. In my case, the camera is on the roof and it will capture from above the head of humans. Is there any xml file to detect this?
also : NO. (it's not feasible, due to lack of features / variation in pose)
there are simply things you can't do with cascade detectors.
@berak : can u suggest any other method?
maybe (re)train a cnn on it ?
all i'm saying is: there is no pre-made solution here,and it is a difficult case.
@berak : Okay