Extracting data from scanned documents from predefined tables with known position

asked 2018-07-23 13:54:16 -0600

I have a table, for example, a 5x5 grid on a piece of paper. In each box in that grid there is something written (doesn't matter what).

What I need is to extract that data from that grid. I created that grid/table so I exactly know its position, its rotation, etc. I have read some materials, and also a few questions on SO so I know the basic steps to recognise and extract data.

I would like to know, can the fact that I know the position of grid/table (since I created it) help me in the process of recognising it?

Also, small additional question. I noticed that in a process of creating binary image people mostly create inverted black and white image (i.e. black text becomes white, paper becomes black). Why? I know it probably helps the detection, but I am interested in a reasons. I cannot see why would the value 0 be better that 255 or vice versa. Both are extremes, just opposite. Maybe if you can point to some papers or similar.

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e.g. findContours() expects white things on black bg

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-07-23 23:59:23 -0600 )edit

As @berak mentioned. Also I assume the reason why 255 (white) is used for data, is probably due to the similarity of binary data. 0 = no data, 1 = data. So in this case black means no data.

MikeyR gravatar imageMikeyR ( 2018-07-25 08:50:42 -0600 )edit