opnecv axis and numpy dimension mismatch
On reading a jpg image through imread, the shape of numpy ndarray comes out to be ( h,w, c), where h , w and c are respectively height, width, and channel.
However, any drawing function in opnecv uses the convention ( w, h) ( e.g. line, rectangle , etc.).
Wondering why this discrepancy exists.
can it be you're missing, that opencv is a c++ library (that also has python bindings) ?
That should not matter, as both interfaces are in Python.
you don't get it. numpy conventions might be irrelevant for ppl who do not use python at all.
(but yea, admittedly confusing)
I see, you are entirely missing the point of my question. My question entirely was on the OpenCV Python APIs ( if it is not already clear ). Hence the underlying C++ implementation should not matter .
ok, the language is irrelevant.