reprojectImageTo3D coordinate system

asked 2018-07-09 15:30:11 -0600

jmaye gravatar image

I found a bunch of questions related to this and I haven't found a fully satisfactory answer. So, my question is:

"In which coordinate system is the point cloud resulting from reprojectImageTo3D?"

My guess is that as its origin is located at the principal point of the left rectified camera since I can map the rectified left image perfectly onto the point cloud. How can I then express the point cloud with respect to the original unrectified camera? My underlying goal being that I want to ask for a given pixel in the original image the corresponding 3d point and for a given 3d point how can I project it into the original image.

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cv::remap(), cv::undistort(), and cv::undistortPoints() aren't helpful to you? What you want is an inverse mapping from rectified/undistorted to unrectified/distorted? I think you should be able to write your own function to do that given the rectification/undistortion maps. Better yet, make a pull request? Maybe look at this question.

Der Luftmensch gravatar imageDer Luftmensch ( 2018-07-10 08:43:28 -0600 )edit

Yep, I think I'll work with the remap functions and stay within the virtual coordinate system. That is for going from a pixel in the image to depth, I'll first undistort/rectify it, then having one-to-one correspondence. Going the other way should also be ok by inversing the map.

jmaye gravatar imagejmaye ( 2018-07-10 09:40:41 -0600 )edit