opencv.js gabor wavelet
hiii, anyone has idea to implement gabor wavelet with opencv.js
hiii, anyone has idea to implement gabor wavelet with opencv.js
you can see, what's implemented here
so it HAS filter2D(), and you only have to write a replacement for this
thanks, try to convert opencv/modules/imgproc/src/gabor.cpp to javascript but found internal function of opencv line 75 Mat kernel(ymax - ymin + 1, xmax - xmin + 1, ktype); line 89<float>(ymax - y, xmax - x) = (float)v;
suggestion.. it is posibble just add getGaborKernel to opencv/modules/js/src/ and compile it again :) line 106 imgproc = {'': ['getGaborKernel','Canny', 'GaussianBlur', 'Laplacian' ...
thanks again
Asked: 2018-07-08 23:24:06 -0600
Seen: 317 times
Last updated: Jul 11 '18
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as a rule of thumb: if it is not in the tutorials -- chances are low, that it was wrapped into opencv.js at all.
you'd have to use getGaborKernel() and filter2D() to build a gabor filter.
anyone know how easy to develop getGaborKernel() and filter2D() ourself.. any roadmap for opencv.js development?