Forward propagation of readNetFromTensorflow on GPU not CPU
System information (version)
OpenCV => 4.0
Windows / Platform => Windows 64 Bit
Compiler => Visual Studio 2015
Detailed description
I could forward propagate my tensorflow DNN by using the "readNetFromTensorflow " Function, but I want to have a faster Forward propagation, by Infeering on GPU instead of CPU.
I recompiled the Library,and set with Opencl, with Cuda, and with TBB to True, and in the code I used "net.setPreferableTarget(DNN_TARGET_OPENCL);" but the inference time is the same, can any one tell me how to Inferre on GPU or have a faster inference
@khaled elmadawi , please complete your question with information about GPU, OpenCL drivers. Have you compiled OpenCV with options
?Thanks for the reply, my GPU is Quadro M2000, yes I did -DWITH_OPENCL=ON and -DOPENCV_DNN_OPENCL=ON but I am not sure about the opencl drivers, can you tell me how to check it, download it?
I searched for the opencl platform version 1.2
@dkurt any news?