Print specifics data/index object detected the same classes id in Array [closed]

asked 2018-05-22 05:42:22 -0600

dlrlr gravatar image

I am working object detection implemented in Python, atfter detected the output example of multidimention array below, based on each classis will be represented [x,y,width, height]:

[[2433 1629 2656 1910] [2275 962 2538 1264] [2284 1191 2533 1472] [2303 1380 2551 1662] [2461 1442 2694 1732] [2284 1558 2533 1852] [2433 1261 2671 1524] [...................] ] There is a matrix [nx4], includes x, y, width, height Now I want to return index/data the objects that have the same class's id. How can I implement in Python or/and Numpy? I also asked this question in stackoverflow.

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant by berak
close date 2018-05-27 02:01:21.033064


unrelated to opencv, sorry.

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-05-27 02:01:41 -0600 )edit