Body part segmentation / recognition- head and torso
What is best approach for recognizing human body - head and torso. My goal is something like that:
What is best approach for recognizing human body - head and torso. My goal is something like that:
You can try by training cascade detector by the different parts. You can apply human detection:
and then apply the trained head and torso detectors on the resulting bounding box.
I'm making my people detector, and I wanna to run one last detector, that will verify the result. By that i wanna to reduce the percent false positives. I was thinking for some type of fitting of rectangle or something...
p.p. for example the car in the upper right corner
Asked: 2013-08-21 05:06:43 -0600
Seen: 6,552 times
Last updated: Aug 21 '13
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your image seems to be broken ? only feet visible.