Problem with Haar cascade
I am trying to detect mosquitoes on images using Haar Cascade and it doesn't work.
I use ~200 images of walls (to use as negative images) and ~20 images of mosquitoes.
I did this :
1) I run the script below to resize the negative images (100x100 ) :
[karim@10-83-102-17 haar]$ more
import cv2 import os pic_num=0 for img in os.listdir('/home/karim/perso/moustiques/haar/downloads/wall'): print img timg = cv2.imread('/home/karim/perso/moustiques/haar/downloads/wall/'+img,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) resized_image = cv2.resize(timg, (100, 100)) cv2.imwrite("negatif/"+str(pic_num)+".jpg",resized_image) pic_num=pic_num+1
[karim@10-83-102-17 haar]$ ls negatif/* > negatif.txt
2) I run the script below to generate positive images :
[karim@10-83-102-17 haar]$ more
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p info # create the samples for file in downloads/9*.jpg; do echo "File=" $file opencv_createsamples -img "$file" -bg negatif.txt -info "info/info_$file.da"t -pngoutput info -maxxangle 0.5 -maxyangle -0.5 -maxzangle 0.5 -num 125 done mv info/info_downloads/* info # generate the sample file touch temp for file in info/*.dat; do echo "File="$file cat temp "$file" >> ./info/info.dat done # generate the sample vector opencv_createsamples -info info/info.dat -vec positif.vec -w 25 -h 18 -num 2000
3) Then, I train the classifier
[karim@10-83-102-17 haar]$ more
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p data # train the classifier using haar cascade features opencv_traincascade -data data -vec positif.vec -bg negatif.txt -numStages 10 -numPos 1800 -numNeg 900 -w 25 -h 18 -mode ALL -precalcValBuffSize 1024 -precalcIdxBuffSize 1024 mv ./data/cascade.xml .
It runs a couple of hours.
4) If I run the classifier on a mosquito image, I have the attached image
[karim@10-83-102-17 haar]$ more
import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img=cv2.imread('img_mous.jpg') imggris = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) imgrgb = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) FiltreMoustique=cv2.CascadeClassifier("/home/karim/perso/moustiques/haar/cascade.xml") moustique=FiltreMoustique.detectMultiScale(imggris,scaleFactor=1.1,minNeighbors=4,minSize=(20,20)) n=len(moustique) if n!=0: for (x,y,w,h) in moustique: cv2.rectangle(imgrgb,(x,y),(x+h,y+w),(0,255,0),5) plt.subplot(1,1,1) plt.imshow(imgrgb)
I got scripts from internet and I modified them for my use. I am probably doing something wrong ... Thanks for any advice.
"I am trying to detect mosquitoes on images using Haar Cascade and it doesn't work."
and it won't, ever.
cascades are good for static things, not for living, moving insects.
I know now, Thanks !
Ah well thats not true, I have detected side view cows before with cascades, which simply worked, but your whole pipeline is broken. Do not use artificial sample generation, make sure your objects do not fill the complete image (that is classification, not localisation), your
parameter are too small to capture enough detail ... BTW for the last 2 years, CNNS and all there applications took over object detection, so stop wasting time here and go for SSD, YOLO, ...