Use OpenCV to create a system that integrates a user uploaded image into a pre-made video.
Would it be possible to use openCV to have a user upload an image, and it is then tracked into a video automatically?
Similar to how Facebook will create "year in review" videos from your own photos on the fly and have them moving/animated/etc.
Example: (starting at 0:20)
In the example video Facebook took several photos from a users profile and integrated them into an animated video in "fun" ways. It was done automatically and while the video is the same for every user, the photos in the video were dynamically unique for each user.
What I'm trying to achieve is the ability to have a user upload a photo and the program takes it and inserts it into an existing video(that I created) and have pre-determined animation data applied to the photo to move it with the videos motion.
sorry to say so, but this is a "bad" (unclear) question. assume noone here is using facebook.
please try to rephrase it with "what i'm trying to achieve", and without that reference.
I added a video example and tried to clarify what I hoped to achieve
please try to explain in words, what your problem is about, put in some effort
(if we need to see a youtube video to explain, we probably wont, so: -1)
Okay, I added in more words for you. Let me know if that's any clearer! Thank you for your patience and help.
still sorry to say so, but this site is about using the opencv library, not about "how to replicate something facebook does".
we won't do, what should be your research
I fully understand what this site is, thanks for reminding me. I'm not asking for someone to do my research, this is part of my research. I was just hoping someone with more experience with openCV could share if this is something that's possible through the openCV library or if I should be looking elsewhere.
That's all.