display function (similar to cv2.imshow) in opencv that can display mat with data type =8 (i.e. np.uint32)
Does anybody know why np.frombuffer() does not work with np.unit32? Do you know any fix or workaround?
I am not able to update the title... but after investigation, np.frombuffer does work with int8, unint8, int16, uint16, int32... Only uint32 does not work...
Update on the investigation : actually, np.frombuffer() with np.uint32 does work. The thing that is not working is cv2.imshow() - when I tried to show the image that I loaded from the buffer. I got the following error saying:
TypeError: mat data type = 8 is not supported
is there any display function in opencv that can display mat with data type =8 (i.e. np.uint32)?
Correction: I think only np.unit32 does not work work with np.frombuffer(..), all the other datatype work (even np.int32)... not sure why this is happening. Does any body know?
btw, how is this related to opencv at all ?
since opencv use numpy :-) ... see my updated question... it is actually a question on the opencv side...
"I am not able to update the title" -- there's an edit button next to it.
thanks berak for pointing it out... I am very new to the forum :-)