Hand detection: convex vs cascade classifier
Assuming I need to detect fingers orientation, what is the most accurate way: cascade classifier or convex detection (like in this example)
Assuming I need to detect fingers orientation, what is the most accurate way: cascade classifier or convex detection (like in this example)
Cascade classification will always return you a bounding box result, which matches to the windows that has found a model match. The convex detection actually looks for edge points like the fingertips and such, giving you the possibility to calculate finger orientations.
So a first step could be a cascade classifier to detect the initial hand, then lay over a covex hull or a snake like approach, then calculate features and orientations. Keeping track of the hand can be done by following the palm hand with a tracker mechanism.
Asked: 2013-08-15 00:21:38 -0600
Seen: 2,119 times
Last updated: Aug 15 '13
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