Android OpenCv: unexpected FPS decrease over time on Nexus 7

asked 2018-04-04 17:05:22 -0600

ScaleableAR gravatar image

Hello everybody, it's my first of hopefully many interactions here.

We are developing (and hopefully create a startup with that) a opencv-Application for a specific customer. We plan to build this app on the customers Nexus 7. The MainActivity handles an instance of the JavaCameraView class. The Activity receives the frames via the onCameraFrame()-method where the mat data of the image is grabbed and delegated to another processing thread. Everything works fine on my Samsung Galaxy S8 where i get 30 FPS after camera instantiation. It drops to 25 FPS a few seconds later, but it's very stable and fine for our needs. But we have to run the App on the Nexus 7. There we get ~25 - 30 FPS at the beginning, after camera view started and then the behaviour gets weird: The FPS decrease over time with a rate of ~ 1 FPS every 2 Minutes. After half an hour there are only 7-8 FPS left and then i cant see it decreasing more. 7-8 FPS isnt acceptable for our needs and it seems to be a memory or CPU Issue on exactly this device in combination with the JavaCameraView- or underlaying CameraBridgeViewBase implementation, but i cant find any references or other related topics for this specific problem. Mabye u guys head about something similiar? I opened an issue few hours ago yet on the official openCv-Repo, as u can see here for more informations: If u need more specific information just tell me guys

Thanks in advance!

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