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application stopped working with caffe network dnn module, forward()

asked 2018-04-03 10:02:40 -0600

aguila gravatar image


i am implementing a facedetector in opencv, Single Stage Headless detector SSH using the pretrained model provided, modifying the .prototxt file to be compatible without python layers accordingly to the example described in faster_rcnn_opencv which would be something like the following for each of the python proposal layers:

layer {
name: 'm2@ssh_proposal'
type: 'Proposal'
bottom: 'm2@ssh_cls_prob_reshape_output'
bottom: 'm2@ssh_bbox_pred_output'
bottom: 'im_info'
top: 'm2@ssh_boxes'
top: 'm2@ssh_cls_prob'
proposal_param {
feat_stride: 16
scale: 4
scale: 8
ratio: 1

and my code looks like:

String model = "SSH.caffemodel";
String proto = "SSH.prototxt";
Net SSH_net = readNetFromCaffe(proto, model);

Mat img = imread("test.jpg");
resize(img, img, Size(224, 224));
img = img - Scalar(102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717);

Mat inputBlob = blobFromImage(img, 1.0f, Size(), Scalar(), true, false);
Mat imInfo = (Mat_<double>(1, 3) << 224, 224, 1);

SSH_net.setInput(inputBlob, "data");
SSH_net.setInput(imInfo, "im_info");


The network is being created succesfully, but at the moment of forwarding the network it just crashes.. I havent found any workaround for this, does anyone has any suggestions or ideas? or have been facing this issue? Any help is appreciated! thank you!

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@aguila, Looks like OpenCV's Proposal layer produces just rois but an origin layer optionally produces scores too.

dkurt gravatar imagedkurt ( 2018-04-04 00:44:48 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2018-04-04 07:11:39 -0600

dkurt gravatar image

updated 2018-04-04 07:13:33 -0600

@aguila, Thank you! Some bugs in proposal layer have been fixed. To make this model work correctly you need to apply changes from a PR

As you mentioned, we need to modify .prototxt in the following way:

layer {
  name: 'm3@ssh_proposal'
  # type: 'Python'
  type: 'Proposal'
  bottom: 'm3@ssh_cls_prob_reshape_output'
  bottom: 'm3@ssh_bbox_pred_output'
  bottom: 'im_info'
  top: 'm3@ssh_boxes'
  top: 'm3@ssh_cls_prob'
  # python_param {
  #   module: 'SSH.layers.proposal_layer'
  #   layer: 'ProposalLayer'
  #   param_str: "{'feat_stride': 32,'scales': [16,32], 'ratios':[1,]}"
  proposal_param {
    feat_stride: 32
    scale: 16
    scale: 32
    ratio: 1.0
    nms_thresh: 1.0


layer {
  name: 'm2@ssh_proposal'
  # type: 'Python'
  type: 'Proposal'
  bottom: 'm2@ssh_cls_prob_reshape_output'
  bottom: 'm2@ssh_bbox_pred_output'
  bottom: 'im_info'
  top: 'm2@ssh_boxes'
  top: 'm2@ssh_cls_prob'
  # python_param {
  #   module: 'SSH.layers.proposal_layer'
  #   layer: 'ProposalLayer'
  #   param_str: "{'feat_stride': 16,'scales': [4,8], 'ratios':[1,]}"
  proposal_param {
    feat_stride: 16
    scale: 4
    scale: 8
    ratio: 1.0
    nms_thresh: 1.0


layer {
  name: 'm1@ssh_proposal'
  # type: 'Python'
  type: 'Proposal'
  bottom: 'm1@ssh_cls_prob_reshape_output'
  bottom: 'm1@ssh_bbox_pred_output'
  bottom: 'im_info'
  top: 'm1@ssh_boxes'
  top: 'm1@ssh_cls_prob'
  # python_param {
  #   module: 'SSH.layers.proposal_layer'
  #   layer: 'ProposalLayer'
  #   param_str: "{'feat_stride': 8,'scales': [1,2], 'ratios':[1,]}"
  proposal_param {
    feat_stride: 8
    scale: 1
    scale: 2
    ratio: 1.0
    nms_thresh: 1.0

The most of arguments are mapped correspondingly but nms_thresh: 1.0is used to disable NMS postprocessing as model's authors did (see

NOTE: without non-maximum suppression these layers just produce all the predicted bounding boxes (no more than 300 by default). They are sorted by confidence and almost all of them have a quite small confidence close to zero. However if you know that your image has more than 300 faces (that's hardly not possible), add an extra parameter post_nms_topn which equals 300 by default. In example, post_nms_topn: 1000.

To get bounding boxes and scores prediction, run OpenCV:

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

imInfo = np.array([224, 224, 1.6], dtype=np.float32)


net = cv.dnn.readNet('test_ssh.prototxt', 'SSH.caffemodel')

img = cv.imread('/path/to/image')

imgHeight = img.shape[0]
imgWidth = img.shape[1]

inp = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1.0, (224, 224), (102.9801, 115.9465, 122.7717), False, False)

net.setInput(imInfo, 'im_info')

outs = net.forward(['ssh_cls_prob', 'ssh_boxes'])

Then you need to apply NMS to filter predicted faces:

scores = outs[0].flatten().tolist()
boxes = []
for box in outs[1]:
    left = int(box[1] / 224 * imgWidth)
    top = int(box[2] / 224 * imgHeight)
    right = int(box[3] / 224 * imgWidth)
    bottom = int(box[4] / 224 * imgHeight)
    boxes.append([left, top, right - left + 1, bottom - top + 1])

ids = cv.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, scores, CONF_THRESH, NMS_THRESH)

for idx in ids:
    idx = idx[0]
    score = scores[idx]
    box = boxes[idx]

    left = box[0]
    top = box[1]
    right = left + box[2] - 1
    bottom = top + box[3] - 1
    cv.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0))

cv.imshow('ssh', img)
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@dkurt woow thank you for the very fast answer and solution, i just compiled with your PR and it works in both C++ and python interface.. Thanks again! cheers!

aguila gravatar imageaguila ( 2018-04-04 11:02:20 -0600 )edit

@aguila, you're welcome!

dkurt gravatar imagedkurt ( 2018-04-04 12:07:30 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2018-04-03 10:02:40 -0600

Seen: 1,354 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '18