compute confidence value using Hough Transform
Hi All,
I am using Hough Transform to detect lines on an image. I want to compute and associate a confidence value with each line. So, I can pick the top 10% lines and used those lines for further analysis. The confidence value indicates the most probable line or edge in an image.
Can you someone guide me ? I want to use a standard approach (used by anyone) to estimate confidence value !!
I saw a discussion that Probabilistic Hough Transform returns lines based on confidence. Such as the 1st line has highest confidence and so on. How that confidence is computed and is there a way to get those confidence values? Or is there a way to get the accumulator peaks associated with each point detected by Hough transform
Where did you see the mention of confidence in the documentation?
maybe , this is not a problem, anymore
This modification was made for the standard Hough transform. It does not detect line ends.
My mistake. Question is edited