Looking for a method for obstacle avoidance using Monocular camera

asked 2018-04-01 09:23:20 -0600

Zain gravatar image

I am trying to implement an obstacle avoidance algorithm using monocular camera. I have tried out the approach mentioned in this paper. But I am unable to estimate Focus of expansion accurately. I am suing formula mentioned in this paper at page 13-14 to calculate FOE. Is there any other method or easy implementation that I can readily use as I am not a computer vision expert and just need this application. Here is my code in case it helps.

void calculate_FOE(vector<Point2f> prev_pts, vector<Point2f> next_pts)

MatrixXf A(next_pts.size(),2);
MatrixXf b(next_pts.size(),1);
Point2f tmp;

for(int i=0;i<next_pts.size();i++)

    tmp= prev_pts[i]-next_pts[i];


Matrix<float,2,1> FOE;
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I have removed the previous query.

Zain gravatar imageZain ( 2018-04-01 09:39:22 -0600 )edit