This is the code. The output its not what I wanted:
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
VideoCapture cap(0);
if (!cap.isOpened()) {
cerr << "ERROR: Unable to open the camera" << endl;
return 0;
Mat frame1, frame2, frame3, frame4, frame5;
Mat x1, x2, x3, x4, x5;
cap >> frame1;
cap >> frame2;
cap >> frame3;
cap >> frame4;
cap >> frame5;
frame1.convertTo(x1, CV_32S);
frame2.convertTo(x2, CV_32S);
frame3.convertTo(x3, CV_32S);
frame4.convertTo(x4, CV_32S);
frame5.convertTo(x5, CV_32S);
Mat y;
y=0.33*x1 -0.67*x1+0.33*x2+ 0.14*x1-0.67*x2+0.33*x3 + 0.24*x1+0.14*x2-0.67*x3+0.33*x4 + 0.07*x1+0.24*x2+0.14*x3-0.67*x4+0.33*x5 -0.05*x1+0.07*x2+0.24*x3+0.14*x4-0.67*x5 - 0.05*x2+0.07*x3+0.24*x4+0.14*x5 -0.05*x3+0.07*x4+0.24*x5 - 0.05*x4+0.07*x5 - 0.05*x5;
Mat output;
y.convertTo(output, CV_8U);
vector<int> compression_params;
compression_params.push_back(1); //este valor es la compresión cuanto más alto más comprimido
imwrite("outputFilter.png", output, compression_params);
imwrite("outputWitoutFilter.png", frame1, compression_params);
And this is the image with the filter
![image description](/upfiles/15226150382111813.png)
And this is the image without the filter
![image description](/upfiles/15226151084832816.png)
But as It cant get and proceed the frames in continuos way and there is more than 5 discrete value in the impulse response the filter doesnt work. I will have to use the more simple filter
x1- x2
what are you doing there, exactly ? do you try to filter a single image spatially, or is there an image sequence, and you try to filter over time ?
"convolution pixel by pixel" -- that's always a terrible idea. please show your code.
I need to filter the image over the time with a passband frecuency of 50Hz, to get the just the movement
High pass 50Hz = frame rate >150Hz?
@julian403 :
(doubtful, if you can get enough fps on your raspi for this)
I will share the code and the image output tomorrow. Due to the server doesnt allow me to answer (I have to wait to 2 days from the last post)