whats are the values of red in HSV?

asked 2018-03-06 19:24:04 -0600

AhmedSh3ban gravatar image

hi. i trying to detect objects according to the color. so i found out some says H:0 to 10 S:100 to 255 V:100 to 255 as a lower limit and H:160 to 180 S: 100 to 255 V: 100 to 255. i tried these value on a color palet on this website https://alloyui.com/examples/color-pi... but i found out that the maximum value from S and V is 100 there is no 255 and when i tried to test the upper limit values for the red on this palet i got this color

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please read doc

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2018-03-07 01:56:14 -0600 )edit

If you want to apply HSV threshold then you should try. Lower limit : (0, 100, 100) to (10, 255, 255) and upper limit: (160, 100, 100) to(179, 255, 255). but if you want to apply red color to pixels. then it is better to use value from lower limit (0,100,100).

vps gravatar imagevps ( 2018-03-07 03:32:26 -0600 )edit