hello i have a problem in opencv configuration with visual studio in c++

asked 2018-02-28 06:51:56 -0600

The fact is this: when I run the program, it gives me error as it finds the .dll libraries.

Guide on this step is not explained. Where and what should I include in Visual Studio? Could someone help me please? Error LNK1181 cannot open input file 'opencv_calib3d243.lib' config

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1st thing to do: update ! [either 3.4.1 or OpenCV]

if you do so, all you'll have is an opencv_worldxxx.lib, and you just link that !

try and report back, please.

"LNK1181" -- that's a linker error, it won't build any program, the problem with dll's comes later, at runtime !

berak gravatar imageberak ( 2018-02-28 06:55:08 -0600 )edit