Question about the speed of face detector between 3.3 and 3.4
Hi, guys:) I used the resnet_ssd_face.cpp provided in version 3.4 and successful to detect faces in video stream. However, I found that when I use the library in 3.3, the speed is much faster then the in 3.4 (about 3~4 times). I want to know how this happened? All I did is just change the project include path / library path / link. Thanks.
BTW: I download the winpack version of 3.3.0 and 3.4.0 from
My guess, they introduced the Halide accelerator backend in 3.4 and from the inference timing page it seems to be slower than the pure CPU version. @dkurt can you elaborate on this maybe?
@loogles, please add a build configurations using cv::getBuildInformation and some absolute efficiency measurements (in milliseconds or a number of frames per second) including hardware description.