How to detect and capture an image automatically when person is in front of the camera?
I am learning about face recognition.I do this using open cv, c++ language,visual studio 2015. I want to do when a person come in front of the camera,it capture the face automatically and save in I done it. How it done. Please help me.
I can open the camera using opencv, c++ language,and visual studio 2015.
next step: face detection. have a look here
after you manage to do this, you can proceed to build a database, and check new persons, but -- one step after the other !
Thank for helping me..
this is the code that I use to open the I connect this to your code.I tried to do this but unable..
int main(int, char**){ Mat img; VideoCapture cam(0); namedWindow("camera"); while (1) { cam >> img; imshow("camera", img); if (waitKey(1) == 27){ break;}} cam.release(); return 0; }