OPenCV and Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction [closed]

asked 2018-02-19 10:21:32 -0600

Cucchi gravatar image

Hi, When I complete a camera calibration this seems to re-orientate the pixels that could be displayed to the real pixel that holds the data. This I guess is a remap of the data that correlates to the image size. So if I want to measure intensity values in the rows and columns it would resolve itself to the corrected image. Im trying to understand a 3D measurement system where I get "Y" as the distance to the target and "X" is the position across a laser line. I'm trying to make a 3D measurement system. Can someone explain this any better. Thank You

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by sturkmen
close date 2020-10-21 09:56:39.181216