OpenCVjs with Features2D [closed]
I am trying to build the OpenCV js bindings however, i think this may in fact be a cmake question.
Using the steps from here i am able to build the js bindings.
I would like to add Features2D which has also been done with ( which won't build as reliably as OpenCV.js, although i believe it is a the same project :S ).
Here is what i have tried.......
1) Change -DBUILD_opencv_features2d=ON
2) Add #include "opencv2/features2d.hpp" to the bindings.cpp
This produces a cmake output with.
-- OpenCV modules:
-- To be built: core features2d imgproc java_bindings_generator js python_bindings_generator video
-- Disabled: etc.etc.etc..
When the make process occurs it reaches 100% but has not tried to build any Features2D modules. Each of the other steps were done i.e. .
The CMAKE output
[86%] Building CXX object modules/imgproc/CMakeFiles/openv_imgproc.dir/src/tables.cpp.o
Generating bindings.cpp
Does anyone have any advice here on why the make process would not be building features2d? Is it dependent on another module that must be included?
A little further forward here. 1. Enable the build flag: 2. Append js into WRAP list of features2d's CMakefiles.txt: 3. Add AKAZE API into JS API whitelist: 4. You may need to include the features2d's headers into the main file:
However, AKAZE uses Ptr<>. Unsure how to apply templated argument.