Open CV with Visual Studio 2017
I want to use Open CV 3.4.0 with Visual Studio 2017, is this possible? Operating System is Windows 7 64 Bit. When installing Open CV 3.4.0 I want to use the prebuilt libraries, but there are only the Folders VC14 and VC15 in the Directory opencv/build/x64/
Which libraries should I use in this case, Folder VC14 or 15? Is it even possible with VS2017?
Thank you!
use vc15 but you should build yourself opencv using cmake and vs2017
If I go through the tutorial: you mean, that I should not use the brebuild libraries, inhstead I should make my own libraries from the source files? Is this right?
I think it's a good idea to learn cmake (and git-bash) Install cmake and git bash. You can follow this tutorials and opencv will be installed with opencv_contrib in debug and release mode
CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
ok thank you, so I will execute the tutorial chapters "Installation by Using the Pre-built Libraries" and the following chapter "Installation by Using git-bash (version>=2.14.1) and cmake (version >=3.9.1)". The next step "Installation by Making Your Own Libraries from the Source Files" is not necessary in this case, is this right?
Thank you!
sorry, now I think I understand, I just Need to follow your link, the first stepo is not necessary... OK, I will try!
Okay, this is running now, but additional question: is this now done fpor using dynamic libraries or static ones? Or I am still able to use both?
Now, after executing this step, the Foöder Build/openCV is empty. I guess that I have to execute also the chapter "Installation by Making Your Own Libraries from the Source Files" from the tutorial now, to build the library, is this correct?
No it should't be empty. after executing this step? which one
Why don't you just try it? I have successfully used the pre-built libraries with VS 2017 Community Edition. Make sure that you build your app targeting x64 architecture.
@sjhalayka "should build yourself opencv using cmake and vs2017" some people do not like shorter way. Now if you take longer way you can use cuda lapack eigen caffe....that's not in prebuild