When should I use VideoCapture.release()?
This is a part of my code in C++, I'm using it to count live traffic and the idea is to keep running the program at least 20 hours, 7 days a week. I mean this is an example of how I'm catching the frames but I need to do it all the time (like a While(true) ) and I'm having some problems.
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <time.h>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Start default camera
VideoCapture video("ip of my ipCam");
// With webcam get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) does not work.
// Let's see for ourselves.
double fps = video.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
// If you do not care about backward compatibility
// You can use the following instead for OpenCV 3
// double fps = video.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
cout << "Frames per second using video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS) : " << fps << endl;
// Number of frames to capture
int num_frames = 120;
// Start and end times
time_t start, end;
// Variable for storing video frames
Mat frame;
cout << "Capturing " << num_frames << " frames" << endl ;
// Start time
// Grab a few frames
for(int i = 0; i < num_frames; i++)
video >> frame;
// End Time
// Time elapsed
double seconds = difftime (end, start);
cout << "Time taken : " << seconds << " seconds" << endl;
// Calculate frames per second
fps = num_frames / seconds;
cout << "Estimated frames per second : " << fps << endl;
// Release video
video.release(); //----------------THIS------------------
return 0;
Off course I take the frames and procces them to count the traffic... but I mean I'm running my proggram and after 5 minutes it crashes, so I was wondering if shoul I VideoCapture.release() every X minuto to prevent problems like
OpenCV Error: Insufficient memory (Failed to allocate 2764800 bytes) in OutOfMemoryError, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/alloc.cpp, line 55
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (u != 0) in create, file /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 436
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /home/pi/opencv/opencv-3.3.0/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:436: error: (-215) u != 0 in function create
In the image processing I use an array to store the frame so I can process them later, but I'm emptying the array at the same time, so I don't know why I get this errors.
take a look at pklab's answer at this post
" I take the frames and procces them to count the traffic.." -- unfortunately, without seeing that part, we cannot find out.
also: napkin maths:
640*480*3*120 = 110592000
. quite unlikely, that the VideoCapture is to blame here."When should I use VideoCapture.release()?" this is what I'm asking about, like in any situation... when should I use it, no matter if I'm proccesing images or not. And other thing @berak
..??? I still not getting it. If you can answer in spanish, much better :)you don't need to call release() there, because it will be automatically invoked from the return in the next line.
the VideoCapture does indeed allocate a couple of buffers, but that's done in the initialization once, and the memory does not change.
all i'm saying is: you're worrying in the wrong place, maybe. rather look at your processing