Retrained tensorflow MobileNetSSD using the dnn module
Hello guys!
I retrained MobilenetSSD by using the Tensorflow Obect Detection API, and am now trying to load the frozen inference graph using the dnn module function:
net = cv.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(prototxt, weights)
where I use as 'pbtxt' with the num_classes set to my retrained number of classes and the frozen graph as 'weights'.
However, the output is just a bunch of random boxes. The inference is correct when using pure tensorflow, but that is too slow for my application.
My theory is a mismatch between the structure of graph definitions used by the Tensorflow Object Detection and the one used by OpenCV dnn module, but I would love to hear if anyone have any experience with the problem or some suggestions on how to solve it?
I am using Opencv 3.4.0 with contrib modules.
The problem seems to be similar to this
Kind regards, XenonHawk
can you show, how you setup your input blob ? (maybe it's something simple as bgr <--> rbg)
My code is just a slight modification of
so my blob setup is:
blob = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, inScaleFactor, (inWidth, inHeight), (meanVal, meanVal, meanVal), swapRB) net.setInput(blob) detections = net.forward()
i might be entirely on the wrong track, but what happens, if you swap bgr -> rgb (either with a flag, or your own preprocessing) ?
( the tensorflow version of it seems to use rgb, see here )
Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately it did not solve my problem.
My problem is similar to the one described here