OpenCV dnn Load Quantized Tensorflow model?
Is it possible to load quantized models into opencv at the moment?
I can load a model i trained with tensorflow, but once i quantize the weights, i get the following error:
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (Unknown layer type Dequantize in op conv2d_1/kernel/read/_41__cf__41) in populateNet, file /home/zsolt/Downloads/dockerfile/opencv_complete/opencv/modules/dnn/src/tensorflow/tf_importer.cpp, line 1299
To me it looks like the "Dequantize" layer is not implemented yet (also I have not seen it in the docs). Is support for this planned in the future? Or How do other people deal with this?
@gorbad-6, Currently we haven't tried to load models with quantized weights. In terms of TensorFlow it's not a layer but a graph node. May I ask you to open an issue with a feature request at Please add a model reference or a way to quantize model weights there.
@dkurt thank you for the reply! sure. i will do it in the course of this week and link the issue here.