Open CV Segmentation

asked 2017-11-26 22:53:38 -0600

Open CV 3.3.1 Linux ARM Debian Oracle JDK 8 and Open JDK 8

Detailed description

Core dump when loading native Library, same as closed issue #10080 which I believe needs to be reopened. I've investigated at length, confirm compiling with FFMPEG disabled, the problem doesn't exist. The problem appears to be when the libopenmpt library is loaded, at least the stack trace from gdb points there.

0x5e21b8c4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ 0x76f15c5c in ?? () from /lib/ Steps to reproduce

Compile with FFMEPG on ARM / Debian or Raspberry PI and load the native Open CV library.

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