hierarchical Clustering VS Kmeans Clustering
What is difference between hierarchical Clustering & Kmeans clustering?What is advantage of hierarchical Clustering to Kmeans clustering?
What is difference between hierarchical Clustering & Kmeans clustering?What is advantage of hierarchical Clustering to Kmeans clustering?
That is not bad the explanation of the differences between hierarchical and k-means clustering(page 46): http://www.lcb.uu.se/KBIB/materials/L1.pdf. And there is an rational thought about the using of hierarchical k-means (top-down hierarchical clustering using k-means iteratively) there. The advantage of one or the other method depends of the task's conditions.
One of the differences between these two algorithms is number of center.In the Kmeans have to determine K param but in hierarchical clustering does not require specify K param & algorithm determines K param.Why in the opencv hierarchical Clustering have to send center Mat?
Asked: 2013-07-31 01:05:43 -0600
Seen: 8,191 times
Last updated: Jul 31 '13
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