Neon support for basic matrix operations
Is there a Neon support for add/subtract operations? If not, is there a plan to add such support?
Neon seems to be supported (see here). Currently there are some pull requests like this which replaces explicit Neon and SSE operations with OpenCV's vector wrapper which saves double work.
So to answer your question: As far as I can see there should be Neon support for most arithmetic functions, because with the use of OpenCV's vector wrapper Neon support will be added automaticly.
Edit: Some wrong linkings fixed.
This code is currently a mixture of using SSE, Neon and the wrapper interface as well as using functors.
I try to give you the chain when calling cv::add
So Neon should be used for adding two matrices, except for double.
Asked: 2017-10-22 06:28:18 -0600
Seen: 598 times
Last updated: Oct 22 '17
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if you build WITH_NEON, it will use carotene in a lot of places. just grep a bit.