OpenCL version HOG descriptors change among executions with same input

asked 2017-10-11 14:02:57 -0600

Winnie gravatar image

I output HOG descriptors of my input data use function HOGDescriptor::getDescriptors(). The descriptors change a lot when I run the program multiple times. Is this normal? If it is not, what could be wrong? Any advice is appreciated! Thank you!

The following are some example HOG descriptors:

----------------------------------partial result of run 1------------------------------

6.79136887e-02, 5.13820574e-02, 1.43074378e-01, 2.06195310e-01, 3.01230967e-01, 9.26548168e-02, 2.02952117e-01, 2.86579460e-01, 1.50168434e-01, 2.23046243e-01, 1.56733245e-01, 3.10359988e-02, 2.30246093e-02, 5.69485165e-02, 7.86014721e-02, 8.74483213e-02,

----------------------------------partial result of run 2------------------------------

6.79136887e-02, 5.13820574e-02, 1.43074378e-01, 2.06195310e-01, 3.01230967e-01, 2.70098180e-01, 2.92866439e-01, 1.38681293e-01, 2.50284433e-01, 2.00377107e-01, 9.92840305e-02, 1.60651281e-01, 1.35473520e-01, 2.72426426e-01, 4.04212326e-02, 5.76667823e-02,

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