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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (_dst.fixedType()) in cv::convertPointsHomogeneous

asked Oct 10 '17

Ajay@velab gravatar image

updated Oct 23 '0


I am very new to Open CV, using Open CV 3.3.0 with visual studio 2012. While using cv::convertPointsHomogeneous(Thomogeneous, T) function , am getting error message like " Error: Assertion failed (_dst.fixedType()) in cv::convertPointsHomogeneous ", Could please any one help me !

Thanks in advance.

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we can't help without seing your code .. ;)

berak gravatar imageberak (Oct 10 '17)edit

Hello Berak,

Thank you for the quick response, BTW am running project points example program provided in the below link.

Kindly suggest me the possible solution, I am eagerly looking for that.

Thanks in Advance

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 10 '17)edit

that's 5 year old, unmaintained opencv2.4 code ;(

berak gravatar imageberak (Oct 10 '17)edit

Hello Berak,

Could u please suggest me any reference code block to understand pointprojection routine in Open CV.

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 10 '17)edit

1 answer

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answered Oct 10 '17

berak gravatar image

updated Oct 10 '17

well, those functions in calib3d are a bit inconsistent, whether to use N channels or N rows to store the data, if you work longer with that, i''ll promise you more "fun" like that xD. (and obviously, trying with 5 year old code does not really help..)

let's shorten the problem:

  cv::Mat P(3,4,cv::DataType<double>::type);
  // Decompose the projection matrix into:
  cv::Mat K,rvec,Thomogeneous; /// but let opencv decide the type/shape !

  cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix(P, K, rvec, Thomogeneous);

  // now, Thomogeneous  is a Mat(4,1,CV_64F), 
  //    but the next function requires Mat(1,1,CV_64FC4) ;
  //   so we're going to reshape it, to 4 channels, and a single row.
  //   also, let's be more explicit, about which direction this is going (4->3)
  //     (and use ...FromHomogeneous())
  cv::Mat T;
  cv::convertPointsFromHomogeneous(Thomogeneous.reshape(4,1), T);

  // T will be Mat(1,1,CV_64FC3), now. 
  // if you need it as Mat(3,1,CV64F) later on (and you probably will !),
  //   do the reverse reshape:
  // T = T.reshape(1,3); // 3 rows, 1 channel
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Thank you So much, Sir, I will use this and appreciate your great help.

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 10 '17)edit

Hello Berak Sir, Really it worked for me, but am again stuck in same Debug Assertion Failed error with the function cv::projectPoints(objectPoints, rvecR, T, K, distCoeffs, projectedPoints); This is sample code I am working on;

  cv::Mat K,rvec,Thomogeneous; 
  cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix(P, K, rvec, Thomogeneous);
  cv::Mat T;
  cv::convertPointsFromHomogeneous(Thomogeneous.reshape(4,1), T);  
  cv::Mat distCoeffs;<double>(0) = 0;<double>(1) = 0;<double>(2) = 0;<double>(3) = 0;
  std::vector<cv::Point2f> projectedPoints;
  cv::Mat rvecR(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);//rodrigues rotation matrix
  cv::projectPoints(objectPoints, rvecR, T, K, distCoeffs, projectedPoints);
Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 10 '17)edit

According to your previous answer :

  // now, Thomogeneous  is a Mat(4,1,CV_64F), 
  //    but the next function requires Mat(1,1,CV_64FC4) ;
  //   so we're going to reshape it, to 4 channels, and a single row.
  //   also, let's be more explicit, about which direction this is going (4->3)
  //     (and use ...FromHomogeneous())

Do I need to reshape all the parameter of "cv::projectPoints()" to reshape ??

I tried with reshaping, but still getting the same error, Also a bit confused when it should be reshaped to single row ??

Thanks in Advance Sir.

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 10 '17)edit

tbh, i did NOT play this through to the last line ;)

but yea, let me check again ..

berak gravatar imageberak (Oct 10 '17)edit

Thank you, Sir, Will be waiting for your response

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 11 '17)edit

you have to use: std::vector<cv::Point2d> projectedPoints; (double, not float.)

the type has to be consistent for all input/output and transformation Matrices.

berak gravatar imageberak (Oct 11 '17)edit

Oh Yes, I missed that one.

Thank you lot for your continuous assistance, really it helped me lot Sir.

Ajay@velab gravatar imageAjay@velab (Oct 11 '17)edit
berak gravatar imageberak (Oct 11 '17)edit

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Asked: Oct 10 '17

Seen: 1,999 times

Last updated: Oct 10 '17