GDAL driver and OpenCV
How I can set/enable GDAL driver support into OpenCV ? It seems a compile time setting, but I cannot find any source of documentation regarding this point.
How I can set/enable GDAL driver support into OpenCV ? It seems a compile time setting, but I cannot find any source of documentation regarding this point.
test java code for StructuredEdgeDetection
Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("my_image_path", Imgcodecs.IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL | Imgcodecs.IMREAD_COLOR);
StructuredEdgeDetection p = Ximgproc.createStructuredEdgeDetection("model/model.yml.gz");
Mat fsrc = new Mat();
image.convertTo(fsrc, CvType.CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0);
Mat edges = new Mat(fsrc.size(), fsrc.type());
p.detectEdges(fsrc, edges);
Core.multiply(edges, new Scalar(255), fsrc);
Imgcodecs.imwrite("my_path" + "edges.png", fsrc);
Asked: 2017-09-30 06:56:40 -0600
Seen: 939 times
Last updated: Nov 10 '17
what is your OS and compiler?
I have Win 8.1 64bit. I am open to any compiler. Overall I use OpenCv 3.2 Java.
did you compile OpenCV from source before?
I never compiled before. I just downloaded packages with Maven in my Java project and configured OpenCv DLL in my environment
I am also wondering if there is a release/version already compiled with GDAL.
i have just compiled OpenCV 3.3 with GDAL support. if you want to compile i can help you.
thank you, I will appreciate. If you have some instruction or if you could share your compiled open cv, it would be great.
you can find my
uploded here try to rename it opencv_imgcodecs320.dll and replace yours (backup yours first) i guess it may work (if you have opencv_imgcodecs320.dll already). otherways we will look another way.Thank you, I just downloaded your dll. Later I will try, even if dll dimensions seem very different between mine (about 24 mb) and your dll. I will let you know asap.
Or may be such dll has to be added to my opencv_java320.dll ?