Sub-pixel estimation with match template
Hello guys,
I am trying to make particle image velocimetry using OpenCV and I have a few questions. Does Matchtemplate module take care of subpixel estimation? I have two images filled with particles and the second image is with particles translated by a small distance dx. I cannot always say that this movement is exactly in an integer value of pixels. so the particle maybe split in two pixels.
When I use Match template to find the center of the rectangle, is it considering the sub-pixels too? It is very important in my case for accuracy.
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Hello Guys , I need to find the first three peaks of the correlation. Can you please say if I can find all the coorelation values in the the variable res if,
res = cv2.matchTemplate(imA,imB,'cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED')
how can I search for the top three peak correlations for the two images?