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Root mean square error (RMS error)

asked 2017-08-24 08:06:51 -0600

Kumar123 gravatar image

I am trying to calculate the RMS error between the two images (chess board). One is real and another is warped virtual image. In order to do it I have pointed 4 fixed corner points on two images separately. So now I have x,y coordinates values for all 8 Points from two different images. In order to calculate the RMS error which value I should take x or y . Or is there any procedure to combined the both values and use the formula.

Please kindly help me to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

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answered 2017-08-25 00:56:34 -0600

Ziri gravatar image

updated 2017-08-25 01:59:04 -0600

Use both x and y coordinates , loop over your points and use this formula :

MEAN_X += pow(x - x0, 2);
MEAN_Y += pow(y - y0, 2);

TOTAL_RMS =  sqrt( 1/n * (MEAN_X + MEAN_Y));

x , y : coordinates from image2

x0 , y0: coordinates from image1

n : number of points

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Thank you so much for the reply. Very helpful.

Kumar123 gravatar imageKumar123 ( 2017-08-25 02:10:40 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2017-08-24 08:06:51 -0600

Seen: 3,630 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '17