Track ring pull Python
Hello, i want recognize ring pull and detect position angle...
I think that is effective a haar cascade but i want ideas to do that in Python.
Only want detect ring pull.
Hello, i want recognize ring pull and detect position angle...
I think that is effective a haar cascade but i want ideas to do that in Python.
Only want detect ring pull.
Asked: 2017-08-17 04:36:28 -0600
Seen: 320 times
Last updated: Oct 03 '17
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The cascades are accessible through Python, so I do not know why you should need anything else? Keep in mind that cascades are not rotation invariant, and thus you should try to cope with this issue somehow.
I tried to do it with hough circles, but i have problems with false positive...
Detect two circles and I calculated the angle with the slope.
I need calculate angle for an industrial aplication.
Forget HoughCircles, it will never work and be prone to so many false positive hits ...
Then, haar cascade or another solution ? thanks
Did you actually read my first post? Go for cascades, but make a rotation invariant solution, by rotating your image and warp back the rotated detections.
Ok, thanks and i will try to do cascade detection.
Hello, i want to know the angle of ring pull, but i cant do that yet.
Any ideas for do that with opencv python?
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sorry, its done