Where to find folks who know OpenCV?
I have a few small, related projects. Ideal candidate knows tesseract too. Work entails pre-processing images.
Where is the right place find folks like this?
I have a few small, related projects. Ideal candidate knows tesseract too. Work entails pre-processing images.
Where is the right place find folks like this?
LinkedIN is a very good platform to find candidates.
Stackoverflow also has a platform in which employers can publish jobs related with software engeneering.
And just now a very famous computer vision blog, PyImageSearch, has launched a job network platform solely for computer vision and deep learning related jobs, PyImageJobs
Your LinkedIn link is wrong. It takes you to http://inkedin.com/ instead of https://linkedin.com
Why not Here in this Forum? Please refer this and Post your requirement here!
Job Openings, Internships, Project Openings, etc... related to the OpenCV library
Asked: 2017-08-07 06:30:12 -0600
Seen: 423 times
Last updated: Aug 08 '17