How can I store video in unreal Engine using OpenCV libs? [closed]

asked 2017-08-03 02:50:12 -0600

Hello, guys. First of all, English is not my first language. so please understand if the article is not available or grammer is wrong. I want to make program that can live stream in websites(like youtube) using OpenCV and Unreal Engine 4. I already get a video in unreal using OpenCV and this time, I hope to store video but it does not work. The program stopped as soon as I started saving the video and I had to force it to quit. It seems that I can not escape the while loop with waitkey function. Is there any function that can escape a while loop without waitkey? Or Please let me know if you have any other ideas.

Thank you for reading.

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Closed for the following reason question is off-topic or not relevant by StevenPuttemans
close date 2017-08-03 03:26:17.757454


OpenCV = Open source computer vision library, and thats not what you are doing. You are working with the wrong tools here, nor is it related at all :)

StevenPuttemans gravatar imageStevenPuttemans ( 2017-08-03 03:25:19 -0600 )edit

Hello! hope you fixed your problem. I have a problem in linking unreal 4 with OpenCV 3.1 i followed the next tutorial ,but 2 errors appear, any help?

maha mohy gravatar imagemaha mohy ( 2018-01-13 03:50:00 -0600 )edit