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Camera Crash on Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Android 4.0.4)

asked 2013-07-17 08:41:47 -0600

kzoe gravatar image

updated 2013-07-17 08:44:21 -0600

I'm currently developing an Android app using OpenCV 2.4.5 for motion detection. Everything worked fine on different devices, but recently I discovered a problem with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (tested on model numbers GT-P7510 and GT-P7500, both Android 4.0.4): There's probably something like a file descriptor leak, the camera dies and the app crashes with a SIGSEGV. Sometimes this problem occurs after the app has been running for up to 15 hours, sometimes only after a few minutes.

I downloaded the OpenCV Face Detection demo (the version from Google Play) and could reproduce this error. After about 4 minutes the demo app crashed. Logcat showed the following:

07-17 11:31:59.750 E/MemoryHeapBase(20238): error creating ashmem region: Too many open files
07-17 11:31:59.850 E/MemoryHeapBase(20238): error creating ashmem region: Too many open files
07-17 11:31:59.950 E/MemoryHeapBase(20238): error creating ashmem region: Too many open files
07-17 11:31:59.990 V/AlarmManager(  191): waitForAlarm result :8
07-17 11:32:00.000 V/AlarmManager(  191): ClockReceiver onReceive() ACTION_TIME_TICK
07-17 11:32:00.010 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(  191): received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
07-17 11:32:00.010 D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor(  191): handleTimeUpdate
07-17 11:32:00.010 D/STATUSBAR-Clock(  278): onReceive() - ACTION_TIME_TICK
07-17 11:32:00.010 D/STATUSBAR-Clock(  278): updateClock :11:32
07-17 11:32:00.030 E/MemoryHeapBase(20238): error creating ashmem region: Too many open files
07-17 11:32:00.040 D/STATUSBAR-Clock(  278): onReceive() - ACTION_TIME_TICK
07-17 11:32:00.040 D/STATUSBAR-Clock(  278): updateClock :11:32
07-17 11:32:00.050 W/AudioSystem(15425): AudioPolicyService server died!
07-17 11:32:00.050 W/Camera  (11420): Camera server died!
07-17 11:32:00.050 W/Camera  (11420): ICamera died
07-17 11:32:00.050 W/AudioSystem(  191): AudioPolicyService server died!
07-17 11:32:00.050 W/AudioSystem(  191): AudioFlinger server died!
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/ServiceManager(   98): service 'media.audio_policy' died
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/ServiceManager(   98): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/ServiceManager(   98): service 'media.player' died
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/ServiceManager(   98): service '' died
07-17 11:32:00.050 F/libc    (11420): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/JavaCameraView(11420): Preview Frame received. Need to create MAT and deliver it to clients
07-17 11:32:00.050 I/JavaCameraView(11420): Frame size  is 460800
07-17 11:32:00.070 D/FaceDetection/DetectionBasedTracker(11420): Java_org_opencv_samples_facedetect_DetectionBasedTracker_nativeDetect enter
07-17 11:32:00.070 D/OBJECT_DETECTOR(11420): DetectionBasedTracker::process: time from the previous call is 85990.244000 ms
07-17 11:32:00.070 D/OBJECT_DETECTOR(11420): DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::communicateWithDetectingThread: shouldCommunicateWithDetectingThread=1
07-17 11:32:00.070 D/OBJECT_DETECTOR(11420): DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::communicateWithDetectingThread: lastBigDetectionDuration=85989.488000 ms
07-17 11:32:00.070 D/OBJECT_DETECTOR(11420): DetectionBasedTracker::SeparateDetectionWork::communicateWithDetectingThread: shouldSendNewDataToWorkThread was 1, now it is 1, since time_from_previous_launch_in_ms=85989.50, minDetectionPeriod=0
07-17 11 ...
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I have exactly the same problem on GT-P7500 Android 4.0.3, although I am not using OpenCV, just regular camera API and onPreviewFrame callback. Did you manage to find any workaround?

dskvorc gravatar imagedskvorc ( 2014-04-22 04:04:15 -0600 )edit

1 answer

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answered 2013-07-24 05:47:37 -0600

It looks like some bug inside OpenCV or Android camera. I recommend you to create issue on OpenCV issue tracker.

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Asked: 2013-07-17 08:41:47 -0600

Seen: 1,285 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '13