What you want is the maxima and minima of the shape.
Use something like this, with one scan of the image.
int x_min = img.cols, x_max = 0, y_min = img.rows, y_max = 0;
int r, c;
for( r = 0 ; r < img.rows ; ++r )
for( c = 0 ; c < img.cols ; ++c )
if( img.at< uchar >( r, c ) == 255 )
if( r < y_min )
y_min = r;
if( r > y_max )
y_max = r;
if( c < x_min )
x_min = c;
if( c > x_max )
x_max = c;
cv::Point middle( (int)(x_min+(x_max - x_min)/2), (int)(y_min+(y_max-y_min)/2) );
If you are more interested by the center of gravity of silhouette, try this sample, which draw the center with a circle, using the moment and findcontours (that you probably already used to detect your silhouette?)