cv::Mat Error(mat.hpp)
I keep receiving Undefined reference errors on functions such as cv::Mat::copyTo and other in mat.hpp.
Basically my opecv works perfectly except when I declare cv::Mat. I had OpenCV2.2 then upgraded to openCV2.4 but the error persists with cv::Mat. Can someone please assist me.
PS. Running MinGw and CodeBlocks in Windows 7.
icedecker: In Opencv2.2 no matter what I do I get the same error, but none the less I moved to OpenCV2.4.2 correcting the includes solved the cv::Mat error but now I get a "The procedure entry points _ZNSt8 _detail15 List _node _base11 _M _transferEPS0 _ S1 could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc++-6.dll"
I am trying to compile the code find_obj.cpp which appears in the Opencv2.2 samples. I recently updated my MinGW to version 3.18 and gcc to version 4.5.2. Any suggestions?