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C++<uchar> to Java

asked Jun 27 '17

Mark1 gravatar image

Hi I am trying to convert some C++ OpenCV code to Java OpenCV code. I am trying to convert the following lines to Java:

for(int i = 0; i < image.rows; i++){
  for(int j = 0; j < image.cols; j++){         
    uchar p =<uchar>(i, j);

Can anyone help me out in explaining what the C++ code is doing and how to convert it? Thanks in advance

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answered Jun 27 '17

LBerger gravatar image

In C++ at method is used for pixel access.<uchar>(i,j) gives pixel value at row i and column j. Pixel type is unsigned char.

I don't know java but i think you can find an answer in this sample : you can use get method


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Asked: Jun 27 '17

Seen: 3,120 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '17