Where is the lib file **mixed_sample.so** ?
I'm trying to compile the tutorial-2-mixedprocess application in android, this application comes with the sdk. But my application crashes when it tries to load mixed_sample
// Load native library after(!) OpenCV initialization
Log.d(TAG, "Loaded the opencv"); //This line appears on the monitor
System.loadLibrary("mixed_sample"); // C-R-A-S-H z z z
I looking inside the libs directory that came with opencv-3.2.0-android-sdk.zip but libmixed_sample.so is nowhere to be found.
Where to find this file?
Is there any relation between this libfile and the opencv-manager?
it should have been built from jni as part of this sample . maybe you do not have JNI support configured correctly in your dev environment ?
@berak I am using android-studio, so I had to do a bit of shuffling to make the project compile. And it seems opencv_java3 load is working.
Can you point me to a source where I can see the correct config for jni in android-studio (uses gradle build system).
sorry, but i can't. (no more using android at all)