Sending Mat over the web
I need to send a Mat over the web (to ASP .net c# backend) Any ideas or ready examples?
I need to send a Mat over the web (to ASP .net c# backend) Any ideas or ready examples?
your webserver won't know, what a cv::Mat is, also you should probably encode / compress it, before sending it over the wire.
use imencode() or imwrite(), to save it as an image (to memory or disc), say as .png or .jpg, - then libcurl to send it to the server.
Asked: 2017-06-12 05:56:35 -0600
Seen: 622 times
Last updated: Jun 12 '17
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what is there, exactly, on the other end ? some kind of REST api ?
Yes. I'll be sending it with an HttpClient "POST".