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Vespa Velutina detection

asked 2017-05-29 07:45:12 -0600


I have some pictures taken in front of a beehive entry of Vespa Velutina, a bee predator. image description

(other images available at

the annotations file:

I have made selections in this images :

opencv_annotation --annotations=annotations.txt --images=.

I have also negatives images:

and its file:

I have then created vectors file:

opencv_createsamples -info  annotations.txt -bg  negative.txt -vec positiveVectorFile.vec -w 10 -h 10

that give me :

and then using traincascade :

opencv_traincascade -data /home/jodaille/Jobee/OpenCv/data -vec positiveVectorFile.vec -bg negative.txt -numPos 10 -numNeg 10 -numStages 20  -w 10 -h 10

I have a OpenCv/data/cascade.xml result that I try to use with this script:

But it does not seem do detect the VV

I have tried different sizes changing : -w 10 -h 10 in createsamples and traincascade

Using opencv_visualisation with the casacade file it seems to analyse only a part of the image.

Are my images too big ? Should I use bigger width/height parameters ?

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answered 2017-05-31 04:34:43 -0600

I am afraid the 10x10 resolution is the killer here. Faces are trained on 24x24 pixels, the lowest resolution that contains useful features. But even then we see a lot of models coming out with a larger resolution to capture more detail.

Upscale your image once, to double the size, or until your object reaches at least 24x24 pixels. Then you will see the detector doing something useful.

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Asked: 2017-05-29 07:45:12 -0600

Seen: 334 times

Last updated: May 31 '17