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How to scale an 640x480pixels down to 8x4pixels?

asked 2013-06-03 02:58:25 -0600

kpcamota gravatar image

How to scale an 640x480 pixels down to 8x4 pixels?

The same as what they did in here: image description

Image 1 is 640x480 pixels and then they scaled it down to 8x4 pixels.

Note: I am new to OpenCV.

does OpenCV has a function capable of doing this? I'd been reading about the Geometric Image Transformations in OpenCV.

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answered 2013-06-03 03:08:45 -0600

Nyenna gravatar image

updated 2013-06-03 03:09:35 -0600

In c++, the function is called cv::resize. Have a look at the documentation here.

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does the resize function will produce the same result as the Image 2?

kpcamota gravatar imagekpcamota ( 2013-06-03 05:03:15 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2013-06-03 02:58:25 -0600

Seen: 368 times

Last updated: Jun 03 '13