Best way to Track an Object in Android

asked 2017-04-28 20:35:58 -0600


Hello ! i'm building an Android app to track a ball based in color , and did it through the color blob detector sample from OpenCV , send values to robot to follow it . every thing is alright , but my problem is when light changes a little (from place to place in the same room for example) the app miss the ball contour or it surround another color-related object it see in the surround area , so tracking process gone messy ! my question is what's the best way to solve this ? do I need to modify things in android camera to reduce those changes ? or I need something else to track not only color,like feature extracting and matching ? waiting for your answers thank you !


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It would have been better if you provided an image for reference

Some tips you can use

1) Check for circular objects to detect ball. Take help of shape.

2) Look only in a small neighbourhood around the ball after the first frame while tracking the ball. This will reduce mistaking it with other objects.

lama123 gravatar imagelama123 ( 2017-04-29 01:08:17 -0600 )edit

you can use a kalman filter example here or here

LBerger gravatar imageLBerger ( 2017-04-29 01:20:37 -0600 )edit

lama123 what do u mean in look only in a small neighborhood around the ball after the first frame ?

Malik.Mohrat gravatar imageMalik.Mohrat ( 2017-04-29 07:34:41 -0600 )edit